• If this is your first session, welcome! If you have received Reiki in the past, welcome back. All practitioners will proceed slightly differently, but the energy will reach you no matter what.

    First you will spend some time getting to know your practitioner, discussing what brought you in and your intentions for the session, if you feel like sharing. You will have a couple of basic forms to fill out (contact information, consent, etc…).

    The treatment room will be dimly lit. Your practitioner will adjust the table for your comfort (pillows, bolsters, blankets, if needed). You will remove your shoes, glasses, belt, and anything else that will make you more comfortable. You will lie down on the table face up (unless you feel more comfortable face down) and prepare to relax.

    The majority of the session is hands off. Your practitioner will ask if you are comfortable with light touch on the top of your head, behind your head, on your shoulders, and at the end of the session, on your feet. If any of that is uncomfortable to you, please feel free to share that honestly. The rest of the session is spent with the practitioner’s hands floating above your body. Feel free to rest and relax. Your practitioner will save all questions or comments for after the session to maximize your relaxing experience.

    Reiki has also been practiced remotely for years. If it works better for you (or your child) to receive Reiki in your home either for preference or necessity, we can arrange a remote session over Zoom. The energy will still reach you.

  • Each child’s session is specially designed with the assistance of the parent. For babies through toddlers, sessions are scheduled during natural nap times. Second and third graders and older can typically do a table session like the grown ups, only not as long. These sessions last as long as they feel comfortable. Children’s sessions only take about 15-30 minutes because children are very sensitive to channelled energy and rarely have preconceived expectations like adults.

    For the ages in between, the individual child/family preference will dictate what works best. Reiki can even be provided while children play or roam around in specific instances. Parent input is very important and appreciated. This is the reason for the 15 minute consultation for new children’s sessions.

    Are parents allowed in the studio during sessions?

    Yes! A parent is always present during the session. It’s really beautiful to share in the energy exchange.

    Is the whole session hands on or hands off?

    Typical touchpoints are the crown or top of the head, forehead, behind the head/neck, and shoulders. For the rest of the body (between neck and knees), I hover my hands above the body. Near the end of the session, my hands encircle the ankles, to both treat the area and ground as the session comes to a close. If your child does not tolerate touch, this is not a problem, the entire session can be done hands off. Energy knows no bounds.

    How do you wrap up a session?

    At the end of the session, the child, parent and I discuss any questions that come up, sensations they experience, and how they are feeling afterwards. I also share some helpful energy management strategies to use at home.

  • Prepare for a relaxing experience. Wear comfortable clothes that you wouldn’t mind taking a nap in. Many people fall asleep and that is perfectly natural. Do not worry about any sounds your body naturally makes during rest. Your practitioner is a professional and is very familiar with our body’s natural processes. Be sure you’re showered and comfortable. Try to avoid heavy meals or lots of caffeine right before the session so that your body can enjoy the relaxation it deserves.

    You may spend a few moments focusing on an intention for the session. It can be as simple as “get rid of this headache” or “help to heal my relationship with my daughter.” You may write it down or simply spend a few moments considering what inspired you to seek out a Reiki session. You may share it with your practitioner or not. Either way, the energy will find its way to where it is needed most; for your highest good.

  • During the session, whether in-person or remotely, deep relaxation is most commonly reported. It is also common to feel cold, hot, tingly, to notice or sense vibration, seeing colors, or nothing at all. It is common to cough, sigh, laugh, or cry. It is also common for your stomach to gurgle, for your hands or feet to twitch, or to experience snoring. This is all normal and your practitioner is prepared for any eventuality.

    After a session, it is common to feel very relaxed and calm. Be sure to drink lots of water. Energy flows best through a hydrated system. Give your body any additional rest that it needs so that it can detox, heal, and enjoy the newly flowing energy through its systems.

  • Reiki is safe and gentle. It can do no harm and can only go where it is needed in the body for the recipient’s highest good. It is safe for everyone including children, animals, expectant mommies, and even newborn babies.

  • Reiki is considered a complementary practice. It is not meant to take the place of any medical, psychological, or psychiatric care. It is a supplement, not an alternative, to any traditional or ongoing medical care.

  • Everyone can benefit from Reiki! We have all experienced times of stress or tumult. Reiki can help to balance the body’s energy field, so that it is better able to get us through those difficult times. It is also a great self care device for when all is great and you want to treat yourself to a bit of calm and relaxation.

    Reiki has been shown to have benefits for adults and children struggling with anxiety, depression, low energy, sleep concerns, weight gain and loss, and physical ailments resulting from injury.

    Additionally, Reiki has been shown to be helpful to the aging and elderly, postpartum, particularly c-section patients, oncology patients, and those in the helping professions who may be experiencing compassion fatigue and burnout. Please see the Research section of this website to browse anecdotal, textbook and peer reviewed publications on the benefits of Reiki, graciously provided by Mainstream Reiki. The rat studies are particularly compelling.

  • Animals and pets can also benefit from Reiki in the same way that humans can! Reiki for animals can help to ease anxiety, relieve pain, help with digestive issues and arthritis, support healing after injury or surgery, help with behavioral issues by promoting relaxation and stress relief. Reiki can be particularly therapeutic in easing end of life transition (for pet and owner).

    Similar to children's sessions, animal sessions are specially designed for each of our loyal companions. Service animals and their people are always welcome in our studio. You might also find that our beautiful courtyard is a better option. In special cases or for horses or other large animals, we will come to you.

    We create a supportive environment where your loyal companion can find relaxation and rejuvenation. As a complementary therapy, Reiki may help with stress reduction, building trust and comfort with human touch, bonding and connection, reducing (separation) anxiety, improved sense of well-being and easing end-of-life transition.

  • No, Reiki itself does not cure diseases. Instead, it calms and balances the body so that it is better able to receive the benefits of medication and other medical interventions.

    I practice a particular religion, is there any conflict I should be aware of?

    Reiki requires no specific beliefs or spiritual background. Like acupuncture or reflexology, Reiki is nondenominational; you can practice any (or no) religious beliefs and still benefit from Reiki.

  • Reiki requires no specific beliefs or spiritual background. Like acupuncture or reflexology, Reiki is nondenominational; you can practice any (or no) religious beliefs and still benefit from Reiki.

  • Coming Soon! Giving Tree Reiki will be using the Inframat ProⓇ Chakra Mat. While you may already be aware of the benefits of far infrared heat and hot stone therapy for inflammation and recovery, the mat also provides negative ion therapy, PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy). These therapies are used by athletes and by NASA to maintain the mental, emotional, and physical health of its astronauts. PEMF is also approved by the FDA to manage joint pain, depression and to aid in bone repair. Other benefits may include decrease in pain and stress, improved circulation and more.

    Additionally, the mat is made up of 16 pounds of seven natural gemstones helping to balance the chakra and energy systems of the body. Since crystals are known for their stable structure, they are thought to assist in balancing our own energy field when we come into contact with them.

    Click here for more information on the Therapy Mat from the Healthyline Website.

  • Anyone can learn Reiki! It is a wonderful tool for us to become more in tune with the needs of our bodies’ energetic systems. It is great for pets, kids and babies, too!